The High Priestess

The High Priestess


No 2. Only you will know the correct plan to take, all will become clear.

Cancer/ Water/Moon. A strong connection to the past/ protection

Patience is a virtue. You will find yourself being better able to deal with problems, you will stay very calm. Where you would normally rush around trying to do things and get on top of it all you will find yourself calming getting through your tasks. Not worrying about what needs to be done. The High Priestess will tell us we all have history, family secrets, ex partners, children, mistakes from the past, embarrassing moments.

This card also indicates there will be a change for you. Has there been a mystery around you lately? Do you sense something has been kept from you? Or are you nervous of discussing your secret for fear of rejection.  Reversed be careful about whom you trust with your emotional wellbeing,

The Magician

The Magician

No 1 in the deck. Stay Positive.
Think about what you Desire.

A decision has finally been made. You now see the new confidence within yourself. Success will and has come to you in many ways. Look back, see what you have achieved, be proud and thankful of everything that has come to your life.
The feeling that your life has been a trick to you. Wondering how this has all happened. Take all the positives from your previous experience. This is the time of you creating something new and wonderful for you. A positive outlook is required if you are planning a new project.
The magic here is you will have to make it happen. It is important to stay focused and see the opportunities that come your way. Using your mind to work out how to achieve the best results is a natural ability. Watch out for different opportunities around you, that may be the starting point you need to get your project started. Use your magic.
The Magician reversed will indicate there is trickery around you. Who is not been honest, it may also warn you to carry out more research in the project you are planning.
One is the beginning of all of all starts. The confidence and courage you have is yours to use. Think about the result before finalizing a decision.

#tarot #number #fool #dog #journey #theworldofinteriors #gratefulheart #2023 #fyp #fyi #knowledge #learntarot #desire #manipulation
#love #sun #moon #stars
#magic #magician #one #2023 #trick

The Fool 0

 The Fool

0 in the Deck. It is a sign without beginning or end, who is trying to get your attention with words of reassurance

As the fool embarks on his/her journey. He knows he/she does not have the answers. Taking the first step to move forward in his life. He/she knows if he/she can return to his/her innocent way of thinking. There is always a risk as to who will cross his path. He/she teaches himself to have a free spirit and an open mind to all situations.

Are you waiting for something or someone? The card says the choices you make next will determine the path or journey. Make your choices wisely, it is your life which controls you. The fool is connected to Red Joker and the number 0

The Fool or not

Be cautious regarding change. Look at it with open eyes and mind. Do not in this instance let the heart rule you.

The plan to start a new project is very prosperous when a fool appears to us. It can also indicate that you or someone around you just wants to put a rucksack on their back and take to the road, to see what the world has to offer.

Is he/she a fool or a very clever person? There is change coming your way in life, Is it time to leave the past behind and look forward.

Fool once, shame on you, fool twice, shame on me. This card is saying be wise to your mind and the way of the world.