The Emperor

The Emperor

No 4 You are being reassured your prayer are being answered. Circumstance will change with your influence,
Aries/ Mars. A natural healer. Confidence/ Wealth/ Leadership

What will you make out of life
When the Emperor appears to you it indicates you are in control of your own life. You may also find someone around you is trying to control you.

The skills you acquired over the years allow you to be in control without being forceful.
You may find yourself in a situation which unsettles you or someone close to you, as you are a strong individual the situation will be brought under control by your ability to calm and understand the overall problem, bringing ease to all. Stand strong but be mindful of others. But be transformed, renewing your mind looking at the whole picture.
Is there someone or something coming to you, which will change your life?

The Magician

The Magician

No 1 in the deck. Stay Positive.
Think about what you Desire.

A decision has finally been made. You now see the new confidence within yourself. Success will and has come to you in many ways. Look back, see what you have achieved, be proud and thankful of everything that has come to your life.
The feeling that your life has been a trick to you. Wondering how this has all happened. Take all the positives from your previous experience. This is the time of you creating something new and wonderful for you. A positive outlook is required if you are planning a new project.
The magic here is you will have to make it happen. It is important to stay focused and see the opportunities that come your way. Using your mind to work out how to achieve the best results is a natural ability. Watch out for different opportunities around you, that may be the starting point you need to get your project started. Use your magic.
The Magician reversed will indicate there is trickery around you. Who is not been honest, it may also warn you to carry out more research in the project you are planning.
One is the beginning of all of all starts. The confidence and courage you have is yours to use. Think about the result before finalizing a decision.

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#love #sun #moon #stars
#magic #magician #one #2023 #trick

There is a message

Wheel Of FortuneWheel of Fourtune


Wheel of Fortune. Life spinning forces 

It is time for friends and family to be part of your life. The support that has been offered to you is done in a subtle and calm way. Time to move forward from the past. It’s about receiving gifts or emotional support. It is not just about receiving. It’s also about giving. This can be emotional or physical. By doing this you will feel free to enjoy the good company around you. So do respond to the person that speaks to you. Engage in good healthy conversion, speak of the Positive from your life. See your smile as you relax in a natural environment. Life is looking good. 


Four Of WandsFour of Wands


Peace and success follow when the four of wands appear. This Is a card of good endings and fresh starts. If you are beginning a new relationship or rekindling an old relationship. This is an incredibly positive card. A promise will be made. A move to a new resident is also seen when the four of wands appear. True love is alive for you. Open your heart to receive.




This card tells us of change a message been received. As with the above card. Out of all endings new beginnings will appear. Change is seen here, this card advises us to accept the situation that has occurred, learning from our past mistakes. We all have free will to choose. The death card is a blessing in disguise to the future. Expect good news to come your way. Have you been waiting for the right moment to discuss a situation? Time is valuable, something that cannot be retrieved. Stop putting it off and move forward with the positives this card and the ones above have given to you.


Today’s Cards

Knight of Cups

Knight Of Cups

Staying in your most passionate beliefs will lead to progress towards your goals. You will find peace in deep, meaningful connections with others. You need the emotional connection with another, you have many friends, who is this person. Is this person a friend or your desired lover? He is a romantic and compassionate person, he can forget about the moment, always planning. He represents self-acceptance and an arrival to finding the proper path for your life.



King of Swords ReversedKnight of Swords

This is a person who has harsh energy around them. They come across a weakness. They will manipulate you for their own gain showing you false love and kindness until they have you under their spell. Then you will see the real person emerge. Be watchful as you maintain your control of your life and finances.
The Knight of Swords is overpowering and can be destructive. He wants control, to know where you are and what you’re doing. Be cautious of fraud from what seems to be a nice individual.


Ten of PentaclesTen of Coins

The Ten Pentacles shows the presence of good, luck coming way, there is a moment of coming together, a discussion is needed to ensure it is the correct path for you in a relationship. An inheritance or win could be awaiting you.


Seven of PentaclesSeven of Coins


This card by nature tells you will avoid failure but fall short of immense success You can and will achieve your goals, do not set the standard too high, Time is needed here for all to come together. There will be setbacks.
Because of the previous cards, do ask yourself if it is love or finances that will bring you the greatest happiness. You want it both ways, are you willing to sacrifice yourself for financial reward, when what you crave is emotional connection as with the knight of swords.

Ace of Clubs

Ace of Clubs 


You already know what you need. Now invite your Angels to help you. 

 It is an incredibly positive card to get. Ask and you shall receive 

 Known in the Tarot as the Ace of Wands. When you deal with this card, it will suggest you will find your creativity. Have you been thinking lately about a new project? Is there a new job on the horizon? 

The ace of clubs suggests that this could be an enjoyable time to start something new in your life. It is an incredibly positive card to get. Ask and you shall receive. 

However, if you recently have not been putting in the effort. How could you expect to be promoted? Positive thinking showing love for day-to-day tasks with genuine intent will change the outcome for you. 

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