

Number 13. Protection has been received from above.


Zodiac: Scorpio, Water, Planet Pluto ruled by Mars.

Most people see the number 13 as been unlucky. I myself was born on the 13th, I take strength from the 13th grateful of the blessings I have been giving. It represents us all making our own luck.

This card is not about losing a loved one or dear friend. It tells us of change  of a message been received. The message is one you were not expecting, why are you been giving this information now. This card would say check the facts for oneself. Keep an open view.

Out of all endings new beginnings will appear. If this is reversed there is resistance from you to let go. Your new life will not begin until you let go.

As we move forward in life. The Death card tells us we need to let go of the past. You  do not have to forget the past, learn from it. Your higher power knows the difference between right and wrong. Have you been the difficult person that your loved ones and family members have had to deal. The message you will receive will encourage you to be more understanding of on going issues. Is it time to ask for help. Has some one left your life recently? This occurred suddenly leaving you feeling subdued by all that has occurred.


Divine timing

is what the universe offers us. Be open to understanding the situation as to why a decision is taken. Look at all aspects, not just your own view. For a new beginning to start, one must be willing to let go of the past.

Is it love, business, or general guidance, consult Tarot Angels Divine on Instagram

Readings can now be on Zoom, or a one-to-one face. The past, present and future will give answers to your question. Follow the advice of the tarot.

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The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man

Number 12.  Your thoughts will influence your future.

Such a powerful card. Do you need timeout to figure it all out. Are you waiting on someone else to make a decision? Do not be worrying about what you cannot change. Take hope that you will move forward with great confidence.
The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man

Zodiac:   Pisces, Water, Planet Neptune.  Keep your faith and hope.

The Hanged Man

Such a powerful card. Do you need timeout to figure it all out. Are you waiting on someone else to make a decision? Do not be worrying about what you cannot change. Take hope that you will move forward with great confidence.

Disagreement with a loved one is causing you great heart ache. A choice will have to be made. You question yourself, feeling as if life has gotten the better of you. Take hope with the hanged man, you need timeout to figure your path out. Life will then fall into place.

Stepping back to go forward.

Has there been heartbreak for you? It is not going to be an easy time. Feeling heartbroken, exhausted, and unable to cope throughout the day. Is there someone who needs medical attention? The hanged man says you will have to be very brave to get you through these turbulent times. Your world has literally been turned upside down. Just be patient with yourself. It is fine to feel low in yourself. You have been through a difficult time.

This is considered to be an important card in the deck. Is there someone around you or are you holding someone in suspense unable to make a clear decision. What are you missing from life, ask yourself are you truly happy, or are you just hanging around with your emotions expecting someone to return. Action is needed by you.  There are times in life where you have to let go of unrealistic dreams. Are you sacrificing your life for others if so the sacrifice is great on your behalf. A change of perspective is needed for a good outcome. Listen to your heart. Take time out to look after yourself first. Your strong mind will guide you to a good outcome. Clear your mind to only hold positive thoughts.

Take each day as a new day encouraging yourself to improve as you move forward. You will see change. The strength you have will shine through. Time is of the essence, allow it to heal you.

Is it love, business, or general guidance, consult Tarot Angels Divine

Readings can now be on Zoom, or a one-to-one face. The past, present and future will give answers to your question. Follow the advice of the tarot.

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No 11.

Justice.Are you the forgiving one? Has there been a dispute between you and someone else? It is not a case of who is right or wrong.

Forgivingness comes from deep within.

Zodiac: Libra/Air/ Venus. The good within yourself.


Are you the forgiving one?
Has there been a dispute between you and someone else? It is not a case of who is right or wrong. It is time to stand up and recognize where the problem or dispute came from. Justice by having an open mind about the situation, you may be able to resolve it.

If this is not possible the Justice card can tell us, how to have a good outcome in any legal dispute that must be brought informally by another. Be mindful of others as you go through this process.
Harmony will be restored to all concerned. It tells us there will be a favorable conclusion to ongoing issues you are dealing with. Justice is about been reasonable with the conversion you will have. Do you need guidance to help you in the current situation? The Justice card will bring a straightforward way forward with a sincere understanding of the trauma of the previous times and hardship you have encountered. Do you know the difference between right and wrong?
This justice card tells me it is time to seek out balance in your life. Are you sacrificing your own happiness to see others being happy? For true happiness in others, they need and want to see happiness in you. Balance is needed.
Who has planned regarding you without consulting you? There is a dishonest person who likes to create drama. Unfairness and a lack of straight forward talking will create a ripple effect. Choose your words wisely. It is Important to stick to the facts. Judge yourself kindly. Believe that you will succeed in an honest way. Are you swayed by other people’s views?

Is it love, business, or general guidance, consult Tarot Angels Divine

Readings can now be on Zoom, or a one-to-one face. The past, present and future will give answers to your question. Follow the advice of the tarot.

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The Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune

Number 10. Hold only positive thoughts.

Zodiacs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius. It is said the wheel carries all zodiac signs.Wheel of Fortune

Support has been offered to you.

The wheel of fortune will give you the knowledge to guide a young person on the correct path. Wheels turn, a new brighter more fulfilment of life is now being offered. Knowledge in books will be achieved. An excellent card to receive for a rewarding future. Luck is now on your side.

Wheel of Fortune. Life spinning forces

It is time for friends and family to be part of your life. The support that has been offered to you is done in a subtle and calm way. Time to move forward from the past. It’s about receiving gifts or emotional support. The Wheel of Fortune tells us. It is not just about receiving. It’s also about giving. By doing this you will feel free to enjoy the good company around you. So do respond to the person that speaks to you. Engage in good healthy conversation, speak of the positives from your life. See your smile as you relax in a natural environment. Life is looking good.

Do remember nothing is permanent in life. Changes always occur. Take the correct direction for a good outcome. When times are difficult, the wheel will still be turning, look for the solutions of the problems.

When we say life is looking good, is that just for the purpose of others? It is important to be positive about the situation. It is also necessary to express your views on why you think a different direction is needed. Discussion is important to ensure your happiness

Is it love, business, or general guidance, consult Tarot Angels Divine

Readings can now be on Zoom, or a one-to-one face. The past, present and future will give answers to your question. Follow the advice of the tarot.

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The Hermit

The Hermit


No 9 It is time to look forward, you have completed your personal goal.

Virgo/Pluto/ Earth.  Light the way for others.

Are you searching your inner thoughts, reliving all the good memories that have been created? Been a Hermit in solitude with your thoughts, questions to yourself about decisions you have taken, were they taken for the correct reason? The hermit card says it is important to share your thoughts and insights. A person who will encourage and show you the way forward.

There is a time when we all need some quality time on our own. Going through the events of our lives. Having regrets. Letting them rest in our mind. It is upsetting when someone or something from the past returns to invade our everyday lives. Who scared you, who broke your heart.

You do need time out to deal with the situation that has been bothering you for so long. Write them down. Scratch off the less important ones and let them go. On the more serious ones. Take one at a time. Share your feelings with the one you love and care about, solutions can be found here to bring the desired happiness and love.  Speak to a professional to help you get through it. The one thing in life we all have control of is our own mind. We create our own thoughts. Time out on our own can bring great awareness of the importance of life. You cannot change the past so start looking forward to a fresh start each day. Rebuild broken bridges.

Is it love, business, or general guidance, consult Tarot Angels Divine

Readings can now be on Zoom, or a one-to-one face. The past, present and future will give answers to your question. Follow the advice of the tarot.

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No 8. As Number eight has no beginning or end, there is endless possibilities both emotionally and financially avaible to you.
Leo/Sun/Fire. Strength is required to ensure fulfilment and happiness.

We may look like we have what it takes to be strong. Using your inner strength with the wisdom you have acquired over the years will guide you. Such an amazing person to have in your life. Protect them, love them, be good to them, it will return to you tenfold, if you know this person tell them how you feel. This is a precious and caring individual, who will only ever eyes and wise words for you. Listen with your heart as well as your mind.

It’s one of these cards where we feel the world is on our shoulders. Feeling like you’re not moving forward. Been stuck in limbo. Not sure as to what to do.
The strength card says, have you the mental strength to move forward. Or has a breakup or job loss upset you? You’re feeling low. Take strength from it, it is their loss and pain. You are a loving caring person with enormous love and respect. Only as time goes forward will they realize what they have lost. Show love and it will be returned to you. Take one step at a time to start rebuilding your life. Small daily tasks will ensure you will overcome the stress you feel in your mind.


Readings are now available on zoom or face to face if I am in your location. Have you a question you need an answer to or is it guidance? Do contact me for more information.

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The Emperor

The Emperor

No 4 You are being reassured your prayer are being answered. Circumstance will change with your influence,
Aries/ Mars. A natural healer. Confidence/ Wealth/ Leadership

What will you make out of life
When the Emperor appears to you it indicates you are in control of your own life. You may also find someone around you is trying to control you.

The skills you acquired over the years allow you to be in control without being forceful.
You may find yourself in a situation which unsettles you or someone close to you, as you are a strong individual the situation will be brought under control by your ability to calm and understand the overall problem, bringing ease to all. Stand strong but be mindful of others. But be transformed, renewing your mind looking at the whole picture.
Is there someone or something coming to you, which will change your life?

The High Priestess

The High Priestess


No 2. Only you will know the correct plan to take, all will become clear.

Cancer/ Water/Moon. A strong connection to the past/ protection

Patience is a virtue. You will find yourself being better able to deal with problems, you will stay very calm. Where you would normally rush around trying to do things and get on top of it all you will find yourself calming getting through your tasks. Not worrying about what needs to be done. The High Priestess will tell us we all have history, family secrets, ex partners, children, mistakes from the past, embarrassing moments.

This card also indicates there will be a change for you. Has there been a mystery around you lately? Do you sense something has been kept from you? Or are you nervous of discussing your secret for fear of rejection.  Reversed be careful about whom you trust with your emotional wellbeing,

The Magician

The Magician

No 1 in the deck. Stay Positive.
Think about what you Desire.

A decision has finally been made. You now see the new confidence within yourself. Success will and has come to you in many ways. Look back, see what you have achieved, be proud and thankful of everything that has come to your life.
The feeling that your life has been a trick to you. Wondering how this has all happened. Take all the positives from your previous experience. This is the time of you creating something new and wonderful for you. A positive outlook is required if you are planning a new project.
The magic here is you will have to make it happen. It is important to stay focused and see the opportunities that come your way. Using your mind to work out how to achieve the best results is a natural ability. Watch out for different opportunities around you, that may be the starting point you need to get your project started. Use your magic.
The Magician reversed will indicate there is trickery around you. Who is not been honest, it may also warn you to carry out more research in the project you are planning.
One is the beginning of all of all starts. The confidence and courage you have is yours to use. Think about the result before finalizing a decision.

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