


Eight of Hearts

Eight of Cups – Make or Break

When I see the eight of Hearts coming out in a love reading. I’m intrigued to see the rest of the layout of the cards. It tells me there is change coming to your life. If it’s work or love it can be an exciting time. 

However it also tells me it may be time to make a break from your current situation. Is it a relationship you struggle with. There are better people around to share your life with. Be yourself, not the person someone else wants you to be. A chance encounter with a stranger may make you question your current situation allowing you to make the correct decision for you. Be it work or love it is make or break time 

Nine of Hearts

Nine of Cups  rewarding times

So it has all been worth  the effort. The long hours you put in on the project you were working on. It is going to be a very successful time.

The great friendship you have with the love of your life seems that it just can’t get any better. It has way more to give you than we could ever had expected. So enjoy this prosperous and fulfilling time within your life. The moral is if we just enjoy what is within us around us. Life will happen naturally. Accept life gifts with open arms.


Ten of Hearts

Ten of Cups Love is in the Air

It is always nice to see the ten of hearts. To me it gives off one of the best vibes a person could want. If you recently had a falling out with someone. or distance has come between you. The family life you dreamed off, The job you applied for. It will all come together bringing you amorous peace of mind and happiness. A strong sense of love is in the air.

Have you been looking for love or is the love of your life closer than what you think? Keep an open mind to everyone around you. Feel the love and happiness others can bring to your life. As with all cards it is how the cards are placed will determined  you’re out come

Jack of Hearts

Knight of Cups –Out for fun

This guy to me is so graceful. the perfect gentleman when it comes to love. He or she is a really nice person with great interest and understanding in other people life. There could be a new romance in the air. Go with caution as this person is only out for fun . They will not stick around. Emotional they will be attracted to you. I see this person as the life and soul of the party that everyone loves. They  are great people. It will be a few years before they are ready to make any kind of commitment to you or to themselves

Queen of Hearts

Queen of Cups  Emotional Security

Such a great lady for any of us to have in our life. She is sensitive to understanding.  A woman who says little. When she does speak it is always the correct time. She will guide you with love. Never want to see anyone hurt. When it comes to love her advice will be not to overthink it, go with what your heart is telling you to do. 

The Queen Of Cups or Hearts will also tell you of the warning when it comes to love. If  you have been mistreated or feel there is jealousy towards you. She will let you know in a very nurturing way.A great friend to have in your life. 

King of Hearts

King of Cups  Do you Trust 

If you have someone like this in your life consider yourself luck. A compassionate caring person who will only ever want the best for you. A very wise man with few words. He can also sit quietly watching the world and it’s way go by, as he comes up with a new plan for a stable future.

I know if there were problems that need to be sorted , this is the person I would trust. A good sense of knowledge. He is a professional who has learned his skill well. A great person for solving problems in the workplace or at home.

In a relationship the King of Hearts or cups likes to be in control. They can become moody. A full reading of the Angels or Tarot cards will fill in the blanks as to if this person is worthy of you

Hearts or Cups

Ace of Hearts

The Ace of Cups Known in the tarot as Cups

If you have been recently through an upsetting time. The ace of hearts is telling me. You are now ready to move on to better times. Is there love in the air? The beginning of a new lover. See your positive approach returning to you allowing you to enjoy the fruits of love. Move forward taken each day as a new day. Enjoy it for it’s happiness. In a reading this card will also tell me there is a wedding on the cards. Is it you or possibly someone very close to you. 

Two of Hearts

The Lovers great friendships

In the coming days you will be blessed to meet a person who is going to become your long time friend. This encounter could start out as a business encounter where you seemed to get further information and knowledge on an upcoming business. You will click with this person straight away becoming such close friends. Now if it’s love you are looking for. It is there creating a bond never to be broken. The attraction for each other will be automatic, go with it. Don’t overthink it. Enjoy


Three of Hearts

The Chariot A journey

The three of hearts always remind me of my three sisters. It shouts out to me, fun celebration and happiness. Is there an upcoming event of joy for your family or friends? Exciting news. Be close to the people who bring out the best in you.

Are you planning on purchasing a new vehicle. A car, a bike or could it be a plane ticket. The three of Heart is saying go for it. It is the right time


Four of Hearts

Strength Mindset

It’s one of these cards where we feel the world is on our shoulders. Feeling like you’re not moving forward. Been stuck in limbo. Not sure as to what to do. Sitting down with a long feel sorry for me face, will not help the situation.

The four of Hearts tell me you do have the mental strength to move forward. OK you been upset with your lover, or have you lost your job. You’re feeling low. Fight it, get up. Take one step at a time to start rebuilding your life. Small daily tasks will ensure you will overcome the stress you feel in your mind. You are so  loving. Show it and it will be returned to you.


Five of Hearts

The Hermit Time Alone

Yes there is a time when we all need some quality time on our own. Going through the events of our lives. Having regrets. Letting them rest in our mind. It is upsetting when someone or something from the past returns to invade our everyday lives. Who scared you, broke your heart.

The five of hearts tell me. Yes you do need time out to deal with the situation that has been bothering you for so long. Write them all down. Scratch off the less important ones and let them go. On the more serious ones. Take one at a time. Speak to a professional to help you get through it. The one thing in life we all have control of is our own mind. We create our own thoughts.

Time out on our own can bring great awareness of the importance of life. You cannot change the past so start looking forward to a fresh new start each day


Six of Hearts

Wheel of Fortune Life spinning forces

It is time for friends and family to be part of your life. The support that has been offered to you is done in a subtle and calm way. Time to move forward from the past. It’s about receiving gifts or emotional support. The six of Hearts or cups also tell me. It is not just about receiving. It’s also about giving. By doing this you will feel free to enjoy the good company around you. So do respond to the person that speaks to you. Engage in good healthy conversion, speak of the positive from your life. See your smile as you relax in a  natural environment. Life is looking good.

Seven of Hearts

Seven of Cups – So many choices, so little time!

You have so many ideas. Like us all we think we can achieve everything that our mind offers to us. There is change arriving to you. Multi tasking so many different events or new ideas is not the way forward.

The seven is telling me it is time to choose from one of your great ideas. Ask your Angels to help you make the correct decision. Then focus on watching it grow into the wonderful thoughts you have had on the idea. Trying to do too many things at the same time is impossible for a perfect outcome.

This card also reminds me of looking to the higher power within our self, or simply just asking our great angels for direction. They will show you the way