The Journey

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This is a life journey of my life, where this journey took me to. The journey that we listen to and hear so much off. I started as a young child. An old big red thick book that my mother had. It covered everything from how to pick potatoes and store them. To baking bread. How to wash clothes. The correct way to iron.

Within this great big red book were spells, cards, and potions. I was intrigued. How to read a standard pack of playing cards. How to protect the Fairy’s allowing them to help us

The Cards

I was always drawn to the cards. Everyday playing cards. How to read them. What they meant. The different spells where the moon was to the wedding cake under the pillow. To the spirit stories from banshee to the widow’s curse. I loved reading and playing cards.

Memories stay with us

Growing up I drifted away from the cards and the Angels. However, it never left me. I purchased tarot cards in my late 20s. To this day I still have my mother’s old playing cards. Over the years I’ve done readings for many people and some friends.


Our Guardian Angels

The joy of knowing we had our Guardian Angel with us every day. The secret friend we all spoke to. It is Magic, every day as a child was different for us. Our cousins and grandparents lived close by. Around the area where we lived, we had fairy forts, old quarry’s farmyards ponds and lakes with rolling hills. 

Our guardian angel walks beside us daily to protect us as we ask them for help. To get twigs clay leaves various other items to create spells. The different spell’s where the moon in the sky lay to the colour of the sunrise or sunset. Everything had a meaning.

On our adventure through the countryside we would ask our guardian Angel to protect us. As children we all knew we had our own special friend. 

Over the coming months I will give you a insight into living in Ireland in the seventies, how I became interested in the Tarot and angels. The special qualities my sisters have are from reading palms to speaking with our Blessed Lady. There is laughter, tears, strong emotions and the fun we all had. The serious side to our life’s, the tears the heartbreak, what kept us together as a family, been blessed to have great parents to show us the right and wrongs of how to live a good life

Enjoy the Experience

With a lifetime of experience behind me. I know the importance of choosing someone who understands been connected with you, that will give you a guided and open reading. There is so many people who are excellent with Tarot cards and Angel readings. Understanding your need is important. I will direct you to the best readers.

Most Images on my website are from Coastline Picture where you have the option to do a digital download of high resolution to create your own wall image on Canvas or have them printed and framed.